Thursday, December 27, 2007

Rebels Lose to the Football Team

The Rebels lost 6-5 against the Stallions in what seemed like more of a football game that a hockey game. The Stallions, wearing their football jerseys as hockey uniforms, must have thought they were playing the wrong game with all the hits they were throwing and picks they were playing. The goals were traded back and forth with it ending 3-3 after the first half. Cody then regained the lead for the Rebels just 38 seconds into the second half by zig zagging through 3 Stallions then undressing the netminder for a highlight reel goal. The Stallions answered back with 3 goals to give them a 2 goal lead late in the second. Kevin scored with just under 2 minutes remaining to give him his hat trick and bring the Rebels to within one. But, with a bad penalty call by the ref causing the Rebels to be on the PK for the last minute we were just not able to get that tying goal. Other highlights included John playing a solid game as goalie for the first time with the Rebels and seeing Curt go toe to toe with a guy that was about a foot taller than him and about twice his size.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Rebels End Losing Streak

The Rebels finally ended their losing streak with a 6-3 victory over the Mafia. By the end of the first half the Rebels were up 3-1 and looking to be in pretty good shape. But, in the first 1:17 of the second half the Mafia scored two goals and evened things up. Rather then getting discouraged and frustrated (which they have become known for doing) the Rebels kept their confidence and continued to play hard and it paid off with them scoring 3 more goals in the last 5 minutes of the game to secure the win. The victory also moved the Rebels from 11th place to 10th by leap frogging the Mafia. The main reasons we won this game were because we didn't get frustrated (we only had 4 minutes of penalties for the whole game compared to 22 last game) and we played with confidence. Now we just need to carry this momentum into the upcoming games!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Losing Streak Now at 7 Games for Rebels

The Rebels lost 9-0 to the Outcast. With 22 minutes worth of penalties handed out to the Rebels there wasn't much chance of getting the win, considering 6 of the 9 goals scored on us were while we were short handed. The Rebels are now third in penalty minutes in the division and have the highest goals against average so it really goes without saying that we need to stay out of the box so that we can actually prevent some goals and score some ourselves to get some wins. Frustration isn't going to win games; confidence will.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rebels Suffer 6th Straight Loss.

The losing streak continued for the Rebels as they were downed by Entourage by a score of 9-5. Once again the Rebels did well in the first half with the score ending at 2 all. But again, the Rebels fell apart in the second half only netting another 3 goals while Entourage capitalized by scoring 7. It seems that our downfall comes when we stop moving so that's something we need to change in order to start getting some wins.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Grizzlies Claw a Win Away From the Rebels

The Rebels lost to the Grizzlies in a back and forth game. It was 4-3 in favour if the Grizzlies at the end of the first half with Cody netting two of the Rebels goals. Kevin then tied things up 15 seconds into the second half. From there the Grizzlies scored 4 goals while we only managed to net 1. We almost made the come back with Kevin scoring his second goal of the night with 22 seconds left then getting his hat trick with just 5 seconds left. It wasn't enough though as the Rebels went on to lose 8-7. Even though it was a loss we still played on of our better games as a team this season. Again, we just need to be watching out for those mistakes like allowing 3 on 2's in our own end and having passes intercepted because we tried to clear the ball up the middle.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Rebels Get Burned by Hellions

The Rebels were handed their fourth straight loss after being beaten by the Hellions 11-4. With a short bench it was only a matter of time until the Hellions took over. The game was tied at 2 until mid way through the first half which was around the time the Rebels started losing their wheels. The Hellions took advantage and started running circles around us and scored another 9 goals while we could only net 2 more. Hopefully a better turn out to next game will help bring a win over the 5th place Grizzlies.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rebels Downed by Juggernots 7-1

The Juggernots had been re-tiered but unfortunately for the Rebels that would not happen until after the two teams played each other. It was mostly a one sided affair for the opposing team who downed the Rebels 7-1. We were outplayed for most of the game but started to get some wheels going in the last 5 minutes and with that momentum Kevin was able to break the shut out with a powerplay goal assisted by Cody and Devin. Next up is the rematch against the 8th place Hellions who won the previous meeting by a score of 3-1.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rebels Play OT for the Fourth Straight Time

The Rebels played in their fourth straight overtime game but failed to come up with a win, losing to the Bullies 5-4. The game was well played with Cody getting 2 goals and Matt, Dean, and Kevin ending up with 2 points each. At one point we were up by two goals but just could not hold on to that lead in the end. On a positive note, the Rebels are undefeated in regular time which means they are 2nd only to the Outcast who are currently 3-0-0-0. Another positive is that more re-tiering has happened and that actually boosted us from 8th to 5th place overall in the standings. The division is looking much more competitive and if we can just start clicking a little better we could easily be on top.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Rebels Lose in OT to Crown Royals

The Rebels lost 7-6 on overtime in a back and forth game. By the end of the first half the Crown Royals were up 3-2. An early goal in the second half put them up by two but then the Rebels came back with three goals in 4 minutes to bring the score to 5-4 in our favour. The Crown Royals then came back with two goals within a 2 minute span to retake the lead. The Rebels then tied it up with 5 minutes remaining and sent the game to overtime. It looked like it would be just a matter of time until we scored based on the amount of chances we had but then with a lucky break out and burst of speed by the Royals they were able to end the game with 2:25 remaining. That now brings the lifetime record between our teams to 3-2 in favour of the Crown Royals. Our next game is versus another long time rival, the Bullies, who we are split 3 and 3 against.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rebels Settle for a Tie in First Regular Season Game.

The Rebels managed to come out with a tie to start off the regular season. Down 2-1 for most of the game, Cory was pulled in the final minute and Mark went out as the extra attacker. With just 14 seconds left Mark's point shot was deflected by Dustin into the net to tie things up. There were a lot of chances back in forth in overtime but the game ended with a draw.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rebels Come From Behind to Win in Overtime

The Rebels overcame a 3-1 deficit to score in overtime giving them their second straight win. We were down 3-1 with 3:45 remaining in the game when Dustin scored making it 3-2. Then with 2 minutes left Dustin scored his second of the game to tie things up and send it to overtime. With just 2 seconds left in OT Dustin scored his third goal giving him a natural hat tick and the team the win in dramatic fashion. The Rebels finished 7th in the re-tiering round but now the standings reset back to zero and the real season begins...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rebels Come Up Big to Get First Win of the Season

The Rebels got their first win of the season with a decisive 11-1 victory over the Beer Hunters. Cody, Dustin, and Mike all played an excellent game with each of them scoring hat tricks. At the end of the game Cody and Dustin had accumulated 6 points each while Mike was close behind with 5. We definitely played much better as a team and that has now given us the confidence we needed to keep the ball rolling and put up a lot more wins in the standings through the season.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rebels Suffer Second Straight Loss

With Scott not being at this game, Darren has done the this write up...

The Rebels were very short on the bench against a team with three full lines that managed to get lucky with a couple of quick goals. This helped them gain the early momentum in a game that went from bad to painful as the Punishers beat the Rebels 11-2. Even though the game was out of reach Matt and Cody put the Rebels on the score sheet with a couple of hard earned goals.

As a couple of our guys put it, we'll leave it as a pre-season lesson. But our next game will be a different story.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Rebels Start Winter Season With A Loss

The Rebels were downed 3-1 buy the Hellions in our first game of the season. We didn't play a bad game, but we didn't play a great one either. No one on the team really found their groove which lead to shaky plays both in the offensive and defensive zones. Cory played a solid game in net but we just weren't able to get anything on the other end although we did have a fair amount of chances. Matt was completely robbed when he took a one timer that came through the crease but Dustin was able to break the shut out with just 6 seconds left in the game. We did play better as a team in the last half of the game so that should be a good indication that we'll be back on track by our next game.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Team / Individual Records, Milestones, and Awards

The Rebels broke a lot of team records this year...

- Longest Winning Streak - 10 games (previous record - 2 games)
- Most Shut-Outs in a Season - 3 (previous record - 1)
- Most Shut-Outs by a Goalie... Nestor Hycun - 2 (previous record - 1... Cory Gagnon)
- Most Goals in One season... Kyle Wigelsworth- 45 (previous record - 20... Mike Power)
- Most Points in One Season... Kyle Wigelsworth - 80 (previous record - 36... Steve Glubrecht)
- This season was the first time the Rebels ended with a win/loss average above .500
- This season was the first time the Rebels made it past the first round of the playoffs

Some individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Steve (103), Matt( 109), Darren (114), Chris (104), Paul (110)
They join Scott (135) and Brad (117) who reached that mark last season.
- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Kyle (141), Scott (100)
They join Steve (140) who reached that mark last season.

And last but not least, the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kyle - 45
- Most Points -> Kyle - 80
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kyle - 2.58
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Kyle - 9
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Tie between Kyle, Dean, and Steve - 3
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Kyle - 6
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Kyle - 31 games
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Matt - 0 penalty minutes
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Kyle - 36

Rebels Season Ends After Being Defeated By the Winners 9-3

The Division 10 championship went to the Winners after defeating the Rebels 2 games to 0 in the best of 3 finals. We did our best against a far superior team. The Winners were 23-1 in the regular season and did not lose a single game in the playoffs. I must say congrats though to the entire team for a great season. We will build on this season and next year the Championship will be ours!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Rebels Lose Game One of Finals

The Rebels came up short in game 1 of the best of 3 finals with a 7-3 loss against the Winners. The Rebels did get on the board first with goal by Kevin but the Winners were able to get 3 in by the end of the first period. The game was close most if the time with only 2 goals separating the teams but then we seemed to fall apart near the end and the Winners were able to move ahead by 4 goals leaving the game out of reach. We did play a good all around game but the Winners played a better psychological game on us by berating us and putting us down constantly which frustrated most of us and threw us of our game. It's unfortunate to see a team show such little class like that but our game plan needs to be to just ignore that. They often tried to showboat on the floor by trying to make the fancy passes or dekes but we were able to shut them down and put them in their place. If we can go into game 2 with a mindset of playing the game and not letting the Winners get under our skin we'll definitely give them a run for their money and force a 3rd and deciding game.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Rebels Move On To The Finals!

The Rebels beat out the Whyte Knights 3-2 in game 3 to send them to the finals to play the Winners for the Division 10 championship. The Rebels took a 1-0 lead in the game late in the first half with a goal by Kevin. It wasn't until half way through the second half that the Rebels finally got an insurance goal from Kyle on the powerplay. From then on the Knights were on Kyle with frequent yelling from their bench to " get on number 7". Kyle drew all the attention which allowed Kevin to get his second of the night on the powerplay with 6:29 left in the game. The Kinghts then played with desperation and were able to get on the board with 5:52 remaining. They pulled their goalie with 2 minutes left and were able to get a second to bring them to within 1. The Rebels went into defensive mode to hang on to the win and put them through to the finals. It will be a best of 3 series against the number one team in the division.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Rebels Come Up Short in Game 2 Versus Whyte Knights

The Rebels were not able to end the semi final series against the Whyte Knights losing 4-3 and forcing game 3. The Knights were playing with all they had and it seemed the we may have walked into the game thinking it was going to be an easy win (since last game ended up 6-1). We were surprised and ended up back on our heels early and just weren't able to recover. The next game will be won by the team who wants it more... and that team will be us.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Rebels Get Decisive Victory in First Game of Semi Finals

The Rebels beat the Whyte Knights 6-1 to give them a 1-0 lead in the best of 3 semi final series. Kyle got a hat trick and added 2 assists while Kevin ended with 1 goal and 4 assists. Mark and Dean rounded out the other 2 goals. The defense played a great game with Curt having one of his best showings of the season and in net Nestor played a fantastic game, as always. The Rebels can wrap up the series and move on to the finals with a win on Sunday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rebels Advance to Semi Finals!

The Rebels will move on to the semi finals after defeating the Hi-Tech Titans 3-2. The Titans were the only team that the Rebels were not able to win against this season (we were 0 and 2) so we knew we had our work cut out for us. Knowing that if we won we moved on and if we lost our summer season was over, everyone came out and played their asses off. The Rebels were down early by a score of 2-0 but were able to close the gap to 2-1 by the end of the first period with a goal by Barry. The game was tied up in the second when Darren pinched in from the point and beat the goalie for his 3rd point of the playoffs. Kyle rolled his ankle again and hobbled to the bench where everyone figured he was done. He wasn't. He came back out and got the winner with just under 3 minutes remaining. As a side note, the Rebels are now on a 5 game winning streak going in to the best of three semi finals against a yet to be determined team... whoever it is we'll be ready for them!

Rebels Beat Razorbacks In OT For 1st Win In Round Robin Playoffs

The Rebels beat the Razorbacks for the 3rd straight time this season winning 2-1 in sudden death overtime to give them their first win of the playoffs. The reffing in this game was a joke with 32 penalty minutes being called against the Rebels and 16 against the Razorbacks. Crazy calls were made that haven't been made all season such as Steve getting two minutes for removing his helmet while sitting on the bench, Kyle getting called for charging when a Razorback hit him while he had possession of the ball and Dustin getting called called for tapping the goalie's stick before the whistle blew. With all of theses questionable calls the Rebels were on the penalty kill for the majority of the game, sometimes even two men down. Through all of this though the Rebels did not allow a single goal while the Razorbacks were on the powerplay. Our defense played well and Nestor played even better to make sure nothing got through. With an early goal in the beginning of the fist period and a late goal near the end of the second the teams were all tied up and headed to overtime. There were chances back and forth but Kyle was able to finish it by scoring with 1:46 left in the first overtime period. This was his second goal of the game which was impressive considering he played probably around 30 minutes of the 48 minute game and was still able to play after he rolled his ankle and could barely walk in the second period. Nest up is the Hi-Tech Titans which who the Rebels are 0 and 2 against... but that 0 will soon change.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Rebels End Regular Season With OT WIN

The Rebels beat out the Grizzlies yet again in overtime. Last time it was Kevin who got the winner and this game it was Dustin who finished it off with 44 seconds left in overtime. The final score was 9-8 in a wildly back and forth game. The two teams traded goals almost the entire game with the Rebels finally getting up by two with 7 minutes remaining. We managed to hold the Grizzlies off for almost the remainder of the game but they pulled their goalie in the dying minutes and were able to score two goals in the final 30 seconds to tie things up. There were quite a few chances in OT but it was the Rebels who ended up victorious and finished the season on a 3 game winning streak. Kyle ended up with 4 goals and 3 assists for a 7 point night. Steve had 6 points and Scott ended the game with 4.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Rebels Beat Out Razorbacks 7-5

The Rebels are now 2-0 versus the 3rd place Razorbacks with this 7-5 win. The Rebels struck hard right at the beginning of the game scoring 2 goals in the first minute then adding a 3rd just a little over four minutes later. The Razorbacks then mounted a comeback scoring 2 goals a minute apart then adding the tying goal about 5 minutes later. The teams then traded 2 goals each to round the half out tied at 5. The Rebels then struck fast again in the first two minutes of the second half. The Razorbacks best player was tossed out of the game after their last goal for punching Steve and that gave our team a five minute powerplay. Not wasting anytime, the Rebels then scored two goals just 17 seconds apart. The Razorbacks tried hard to make the comeback but the defense and Nestor did a great job shutting them down. There's one game left in the season and still the possbility of us finishing as high as 3rd place. One last win will put us in good shape then it's "wait and see" with the results of the other games in the division to see where we end up.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rebels Down CCCP 8-2

The Rebels beat out CCCP by a score of 8-2. Cody played an outstanding game; he netted a total of 5 goals and added an assist for a 6 point game. His linemates Dean and Keven didn't do so bad either; both came away with 5 points each. Another note to mention was that this game marked the first time this season that we went the entire game without a penalty being called on us. It either shows a lot of discipline on our behalf or good reffing (or both) depending on how you look at it! With just two games left it looks like we are in at least 7th place with the possibility of even finishing in 3rd due to the tight race in the division.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Rebels Defeated By Dirty Danglers 4-2

The Rebels are now on a two game losing streak which has caused a slip down to 8th place overall. The Rebels came out hard against the Danglers but just weren't able to keep them off the score board as the game wore on. It was a 1-1 game after the first half but the Danglers were able to get three more in the first 9 minutes of the second half. We had a goal late in the game with our goalie pulled but it just wasn't enough to make the comeback. We're still in the running though... with just three games remaining we could still finish as high as 3rd place in the division.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Rebels Lose to Peeping Toms in Overtime

The Rebels were beaten 3-2 in overtime versus the 11th place Peeping Toms. In a game that was ours for the taking we never really developed any sort of stride. Fatigue set in early considering the 33 degree heat and having yet another short bench just added to the problem. The Peeping Toms had countless 3 on 2's and although we had our chances in their end (hitting quite a few posts) we just weren't able to get anything going. With only 4 games remaining it's imperative that we win as many as possible to keep us near the top of the division so that we'll be in good shape for the playoff match-ups.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rebels Inch Out Whyte Knights 4-3

The Rebels pulled off a 4-3 win against the Knights even with a short bench and also missing a few key players. Cody stepped up and got a hat trick including the winning goal. It wasn't our best offensive game but our defense is what kept this game from getting out of hand. We were able to hold the Knights to the outside boards when they were in our zone (which was a lot) and any quality shots they did get Nestor was right there playing great as usual. The win put us in a tie with the Knights and depending how the rest of the division did we may have moved up into 3rd place.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Rebels Lose to Hi-Tech Titans

The Rebels lost 4-3 versus the Titans. Their one goal was controversial in that the ball was clearly high sticked into the net yet the ref did not call it. We did manage to mount a comeback scoring with 1:16 left in the game and then having numerous chances in the final minute but we were just not able to get that goal to tie it up. We need to start really focusing on our line changes seeing as how we've had three bad line changes in the last three games which have resulted in the other team scoring on us. Two of those goals ended up being game winners so we need to keep this in mind from now on. Next up is the Whyte Knights and with a win over them we will move back up to the top of the pack once again.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rebels Cool The Heat

The Rebels restarted their winning streak defeating The Heat by a score of 8-2. The goals by the Rebels were split between 3 players; Kyle tallied 4 while Cody and Dean each ended up with two. Three of the goals were score shorthanded showing our effectiveness on the PK. The win puts us back into second place overall but tied for points against two other teams, one of those teams being the Hi-Tech Titans whom we play next.
As a side note: We received our answer to the issue we had versus the Panthers. During that game we were told by the refs that if we ended the game with a shut out we would not get credit for all 12 goals we scored when it came to "goals differential" in the standings. Based on their advice we had Dustin step aside and allow the Panthers to score thus breaking his shut out. We have found out now that this is not true. The only rule that comes close to what the refs said was that 7 point spreads are the max allowable per game, meaning that if a team were to win a game by more than 7 goals they would only get credit for those 7. However, this rule only applies to the minors and last I checked we were in the adult league.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rebels Winning Streak Comes to an End With Overtime Loss to Winners

The Rebels 10 game winning streak came to an end with a 7-6 overtime loss vs the Winners. The scoring went back and forth for the whole game with the Winners getting ahead by two with less 10 minutes remaining. After some line shuffling the Rebels came back with two goals in the last 2 in a half minutes to tie the game up and send it to overtime. There is was a goaltenders battle with chances coming from both sides but after a not so great line change by the Rebels the Winners were able to put the game away. Cody and Dustin both played excellent games; Dustin got a hat trick and Cody came away with two goals and two assists. The positive to take away from this game is that we now know we can go toe to toe with the best team in the division and can beat them with enough determination. We look forward to the rematch in the playoffs...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rebels Blow Out Panthers 12-1 For Tenth Straight Win

The Rebels are now in second place in Division 10 and have 10 wins in a row after trouncing the Panthers for the second time this season. Kyle got 4 goals and two assists for 5 points and many other players had a multiple point night... Dean got 6 points, Scott got 5 points, and Barry, Sheldon V., Chris, and Steve all tallied 3 points each. Matt finally got the monkey off his back by scoring his first of the season with just over two minutes left in the game. Dustin played a great game and was well on his way to a shut out but an issue about there possibly being some negative ramifications if we got a shut out arose so he stepped aside and allowed the Panther to score. This is being dealt with through the referee director and more info will come after he responds to our e-mail. The Winners are up next which will be our true test so we need to bring our "A" game!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Rebels Too Hot For Red Heat

The Rebels breezed through the Red Heat 9-1 giving them their 9th win in a row. Both Kyle and Dean got hat tricks and J.F. helped out by getting 4 assists on the night. Nestor played another fine game but was unable to hold the shut out as the Read Heat scored their only goal with just 3:44 left in the game. The Rebels are now 3rd place overall but are actually in a 4 way tie for 2nd place in this very competitive Division. Next up is the Panthers which will be the last game in preparation for the heavily anticipated game against the Winners.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rebels Get 8th Straight Win Defeating White Phantoms 5-2

The Rebels are now sitting at 8 wins a row after defeating the White Phantoms, formerly known as the Bears, 5-2. Nestor made a lot of key saves once again to help the team get the win. His overall goals against average is now at 2.73 which is 4th best in our division. We had 2 short handed goals during the game, one by Kyle and one by Steve which was scored during a 5 on 3 penalty kill. Overall, another good game by the Rebels who play the last place Red Heat next.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Winning Ways Continue For Rebels

The Rebels are now at 7 wins in a row after a 5-2 victory over the H.C. Dynamo. The game started out in a crazy way with our goalie, Dustin, showing up just as the ball was about to drop to start the game. He played very well considering the only warm up he had was getting all his equipment on during the drive to the arena. The entire team played well despite being short a pair of defencemen. Kevin filled in brilliantly in place of Barry scoring a hat trick and adding an assist for a 4 point game, which brings him to 7 points in only two games. After being able to pull out a win with all the confusion that happened during the first part of this game it goes to show the the Rebels are force to be reckoned with!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rebels Beat 4th Place Grizzlies in Overtime!

The Rebels are now on a 6 game winning streak with a 4-3 win over the Grizzlies in OT. We managed to kill off a penalty in the last minute of the second half and the first bit of the overtime period. The shots were coming from everywhere but Nestor kept us in it denying chance after chance by the Grizzlies. Then with less than a minute left, the face off to the left of the Grizzlies goaltender, Kyle wins it back to Sheldon V. who takes a shot from the point which then gets deflected by Kevin for the win. All in all, another great game for the Rebels who now move into 5th place overall tied with the Razorbacks and H.C. Dynamo.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rebels Continue Winning Streak Defeating Regulators 1-0

The Rebels recorded their fifth straight win and Nestor got his second shutout of the season on Wednesday when they beat the Regulators 1-0 in a nail biter. Brad scored the only goal of the game at 16:48 of the second half and would prove to be the winner even after killing a 5-3 power play and Nestor getting peppered in the last minute after the Regulators pulled their goalie. All around it was another good performance by the Rebels, who are now in 7th place overall and can move into 6th place with a win over the 4th place Grizzlies this coming Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rebels Record Fourth Straight Win With Victory Over The Razorbacks

The Rebels recorded a new franchise record of 4 wins in a row after defeating the 2nd place Razorbacks 7-1. Once again, the entire team played well with every line contributing goals. We also showed a lot of discipline by keeping the penalties to a minimum while the opposing team had a parade going to the box. Nestor played yet another great game and almost had his second shut out in a row but it was foiled when the Razorbacks scored halfway through the second half. Currently we sit in 7th place with 10 points but the 2nd to 6th place teams are all tied with 14 points so with a little more perseverance we could slide right into 2nd place!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Rebels Blank C.C.C.P 2-0 For Third Straight Win

Nestor recorded his first ever shut-out with the Rebels to help bring their winning streak to 3 games. Without Nestor's strong game - stopping numerous breakaways, 2 on 1's, and 3 on 1's we would not have won this game. Both teams did have their fair share of scoring chances but it wasn't until almost halfway through the second half that a goal was finally scored. Barry scored the goal on a sweet pass across the crease from Kyle. Then about 8 minutes later Kyle put the game away by scoring on the powerplay. Next up is against the 3rd place Razorbacks and with the momentum and confidence we have going an upset looks to be in the works!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Rebels Come From Behind To Beat Dirty Danglers

Well, that headline sounds gross. Anyway... the Rebels were down 3-0 and one point but managed to narrow the lead to 3-1 by the end of the first half. The second half was all Rebels - with a little over 11 minutes remaining we scored 2 goals in 16 seconds to tie the game. Then with a little over 6 minutes in the game we scored two more which came 46 seconds apart from each other (for a total of 4 goals in 6 minutes). One more was added for good measure in the last 10 seconds. The Rebels have been notorious for not playing well in the second half of games so to see us not give up and fight back to win is surely a sign of good things to come.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rebels Losing Streak Ends With 8-2 Victory Over Peeping Toms

The Rebels ended their slump on Sunday with a decisive 8-2 win over the Peeping Toms. Every line was working like a well oiled machine which in turn resulted in a lot of players finally getting their first points of the season. Once again, Sheldon B. stepped up, this time he made it a hat trick which brings him to 5 goals in 3 games. The division stats are up on the BHE website and Kyle and Barry are actually 4th and 5th in the entire division in points. We're really starting to come together as a team now so let's keep it up, play some smart hockey, and win a ton more games!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rebels Downed By Whyte Knights 4-2

The Rebels recorded their 4th straight loss of the season after being outscored 4-2 on Thursday. It was a close game and we had a ton of scoring chances but we just didn't get those lucky bounces the way the Knights did. We are playing better as a team and we do have the drive to win so it's just a matter of time until we get out of the slump and start moving our way to the top. When it was mentioned that we needed to have some more contributers in the goal department other than out two main point getters (Kyle and Barry) it seems Sheldon B. was the one to rise to the occasion. He now has two goals in two games. Keep it up Sheldon!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rebels Come Up Short vs. Hi-Tech Titans

The Rebels lost 7-6 to the Titans bringing our losing streak to 3 straight games. We were down 5-0 after the first 11 minutes of play but were able to shorten the gap after scoring 3 goals in two minutes. Something kicked in when we were down and we started playing with some passion out there which almost tied things up in the final few seconds of the game. Now if we can keep this drive going we'll be in much better shape at our next game.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Rebels Too Cold for The Heat

The Rebels are now on a 2 game losing streak after being beaten 4-2 versus The Heat. We did mount a comeback near the end of the game with our two goals coming in the last 3 minutes and 30 seconds but it was too little too late. Had we played the way we did near the end for the entire game I'm sure the outcome would have been completely different. Once again Nestor was solid in net and Kyle added to his point total by scoring his 9th of the season. The team now has a total of 19 goals and of those Barry and Kyle account for almost 75% so we're all going to have start stepping up and helping out in that department in order to get some more wins.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Rebels Lose to Winners 7-2

The exact opposite happened at tonight's game when we were at the bottom end of a high scoring game. For some reason we just couldn't get our positional game going and it cost us. It could have been even worse had Nestor not come through with a very solid game in net. Kyle was the only one to score for the team, he netted two tonight to bring his point total to 9 in two games. One weird thing that has come up, and I don't know if a group of people got together to try and start a fashion trend, but in the last two games we have seen players wearing their jock shorts and nothing else as their bottoms. What's up with that??? Anyway, next game is against The Heat, a team comprised of mostly firefighters that we have played quite a few times in the past and have always been close and respectable games.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rebels Trounce Panthers 14-2

All I can say about tonight's game is... Wow! We played a great game. Kyle got 6 goals, Barry got 9 points and a lot of other guys ended up with multiple points. We were very disciplined when it came to taking time to set up and make the right plays and our face off tactic worked very well. It was good to see it being used and being used by the book. The only negative thing to say about the game is we took a lot of penalties - 27 minutes worth. We need to try and be a little more disciplined when it comes to that. It's a lot better to just walk away, let the other team take the penalty and have a powerplay then to get a bit of revenge and end up in the box along with the guy from the other team. Anyway, let's take this momentum and carry it through the rest of the season and we'll end up being tops in our division!