Friday, July 20, 2007

Rebels Beat Out Razorbacks 7-5

The Rebels are now 2-0 versus the 3rd place Razorbacks with this 7-5 win. The Rebels struck hard right at the beginning of the game scoring 2 goals in the first minute then adding a 3rd just a little over four minutes later. The Razorbacks then mounted a comeback scoring 2 goals a minute apart then adding the tying goal about 5 minutes later. The teams then traded 2 goals each to round the half out tied at 5. The Rebels then struck fast again in the first two minutes of the second half. The Razorbacks best player was tossed out of the game after their last goal for punching Steve and that gave our team a five minute powerplay. Not wasting anytime, the Rebels then scored two goals just 17 seconds apart. The Razorbacks tried hard to make the comeback but the defense and Nestor did a great job shutting them down. There's one game left in the season and still the possbility of us finishing as high as 3rd place. One last win will put us in good shape then it's "wait and see" with the results of the other games in the division to see where we end up.

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