Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rebels Beat 4th Place Grizzlies in Overtime!

The Rebels are now on a 6 game winning streak with a 4-3 win over the Grizzlies in OT. We managed to kill off a penalty in the last minute of the second half and the first bit of the overtime period. The shots were coming from everywhere but Nestor kept us in it denying chance after chance by the Grizzlies. Then with less than a minute left, the face off to the left of the Grizzlies goaltender, Kyle wins it back to Sheldon V. who takes a shot from the point which then gets deflected by Kevin for the win. All in all, another great game for the Rebels who now move into 5th place overall tied with the Razorbacks and H.C. Dynamo.

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