Monday, December 24, 2007

Rebels End Losing Streak

The Rebels finally ended their losing streak with a 6-3 victory over the Mafia. By the end of the first half the Rebels were up 3-1 and looking to be in pretty good shape. But, in the first 1:17 of the second half the Mafia scored two goals and evened things up. Rather then getting discouraged and frustrated (which they have become known for doing) the Rebels kept their confidence and continued to play hard and it paid off with them scoring 3 more goals in the last 5 minutes of the game to secure the win. The victory also moved the Rebels from 11th place to 10th by leap frogging the Mafia. The main reasons we won this game were because we didn't get frustrated (we only had 4 minutes of penalties for the whole game compared to 22 last game) and we played with confidence. Now we just need to carry this momentum into the upcoming games!

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