Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rebels Play OT for the Fourth Straight Time

The Rebels played in their fourth straight overtime game but failed to come up with a win, losing to the Bullies 5-4. The game was well played with Cody getting 2 goals and Matt, Dean, and Kevin ending up with 2 points each. At one point we were up by two goals but just could not hold on to that lead in the end. On a positive note, the Rebels are undefeated in regular time which means they are 2nd only to the Outcast who are currently 3-0-0-0. Another positive is that more re-tiering has happened and that actually boosted us from 8th to 5th place overall in the standings. The division is looking much more competitive and if we can just start clicking a little better we could easily be on top.

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