Monday, June 11, 2007

Rebels Blow Out Panthers 12-1 For Tenth Straight Win

The Rebels are now in second place in Division 10 and have 10 wins in a row after trouncing the Panthers for the second time this season. Kyle got 4 goals and two assists for 5 points and many other players had a multiple point night... Dean got 6 points, Scott got 5 points, and Barry, Sheldon V., Chris, and Steve all tallied 3 points each. Matt finally got the monkey off his back by scoring his first of the season with just over two minutes left in the game. Dustin played a great game and was well on his way to a shut out but an issue about there possibly being some negative ramifications if we got a shut out arose so he stepped aside and allowed the Panther to score. This is being dealt with through the referee director and more info will come after he responds to our e-mail. The Winners are up next which will be our true test so we need to bring our "A" game!

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