Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rebels Trounce Panthers 14-2

All I can say about tonight's game is... Wow! We played a great game. Kyle got 6 goals, Barry got 9 points and a lot of other guys ended up with multiple points. We were very disciplined when it came to taking time to set up and make the right plays and our face off tactic worked very well. It was good to see it being used and being used by the book. The only negative thing to say about the game is we took a lot of penalties - 27 minutes worth. We need to try and be a little more disciplined when it comes to that. It's a lot better to just walk away, let the other team take the penalty and have a powerplay then to get a bit of revenge and end up in the box along with the guy from the other team. Anyway, let's take this momentum and carry it through the rest of the season and we'll end up being tops in our division!

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