Monday, October 29, 2007

Rebels Lose in OT to Crown Royals

The Rebels lost 7-6 on overtime in a back and forth game. By the end of the first half the Crown Royals were up 3-2. An early goal in the second half put them up by two but then the Rebels came back with three goals in 4 minutes to bring the score to 5-4 in our favour. The Crown Royals then came back with two goals within a 2 minute span to retake the lead. The Rebels then tied it up with 5 minutes remaining and sent the game to overtime. It looked like it would be just a matter of time until we scored based on the amount of chances we had but then with a lucky break out and burst of speed by the Royals they were able to end the game with 2:25 remaining. That now brings the lifetime record between our teams to 3-2 in favour of the Crown Royals. Our next game is versus another long time rival, the Bullies, who we are split 3 and 3 against.

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