Saturday, August 11, 2007

Team / Individual Records, Milestones, and Awards

The Rebels broke a lot of team records this year...

- Longest Winning Streak - 10 games (previous record - 2 games)
- Most Shut-Outs in a Season - 3 (previous record - 1)
- Most Shut-Outs by a Goalie... Nestor Hycun - 2 (previous record - 1... Cory Gagnon)
- Most Goals in One season... Kyle Wigelsworth- 45 (previous record - 20... Mike Power)
- Most Points in One Season... Kyle Wigelsworth - 80 (previous record - 36... Steve Glubrecht)
- This season was the first time the Rebels ended with a win/loss average above .500
- This season was the first time the Rebels made it past the first round of the playoffs

Some individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Steve (103), Matt( 109), Darren (114), Chris (104), Paul (110)
They join Scott (135) and Brad (117) who reached that mark last season.
- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Kyle (141), Scott (100)
They join Steve (140) who reached that mark last season.

And last but not least, the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kyle - 45
- Most Points -> Kyle - 80
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kyle - 2.58
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Kyle - 9
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Tie between Kyle, Dean, and Steve - 3
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Kyle - 6
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Kyle - 31 games
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Matt - 0 penalty minutes
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Kyle - 36

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