Friday, April 16, 2010

Rebels Not So Hot Against Hotshots

After doing everything right in their first game, the Rebels seemed to do the exact opposite in their second. They weren't able to break out of their zone effectively and coughed the ball up numerous times resulting in the Hotshots adding up a 3-0 lead after the first half. Not much improved in the second save for the fact that Dean was able to break the shut out to bring the score to 3-1. The Rebels will now regroup and try to work these kinks out at their next game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a good team and a good group of people. We need to cool it on the "you did this wrong and you did that wrong" We should try to tell people how to help their game not blame them for not trying hard. Lets go out on Sunday have fun and kick ass.