Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rebels Sting Scorpions

It was a back and forth game with Rebels ending up on the better side of a 4-3 overtime win. The Scorpions got on the board first near the halfway mark of the opening frame but the Rebels answered right back a minute later with a goal by Gary to tie things up. The same thing happened again a few minutes later with the Scorpions retaking the lead but Mike found the back of the net this time to deadlock the teams at 2 a piece going into the second half. The Scorpions scored early into the second and it stayed that way until Alex was able to find the twine after a scramble in front of the net. The Rebels then got into some trouble that found them killing a penalty in overtime but they were able to manage a 2 on 0 breakaway with Mike feeding a cross crease pass to Gary to end the game and give the Rebels the win.

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