Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rebels Lose First Playoff Game

The Rebels lost their first game of the quarter final round robin by a narrow margin of 3-2 versus the Bullies. The Rebels were up 2-0 by the halfway point of the 1st and it looked like we had it in the bag but then somehow the tide turned and it became all Bullies as they scored 2 to tie it up. They then scored the go ahead goal with just under 3 minutes remaining in the game. Nestor was pulled in favour of the extra attacker and we scrambled to try and get the tieing goal but it never came. Our season is not done yet though... If Team Chaos beats the Bullies and we beat Team Chaos that will put all three teams with 1 win and 1 loss and the team that will advance will be the one with the best goal differential.

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