Saturday, July 26, 2008

Milestones and Awards

Some individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Kyle (101)
- Scored 100 goals as a Rebel - Kyle (103) (He is the first Rebel to achieve this milestone)
- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Kevin (108) and Dean (110)

And the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kyle - 25
- Most Points -> Kyle - 51
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kevin - 2.40
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Kyle - 6
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Kevin - 3
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Kevin - 4
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Chris - 26 games
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Tie between Ryan and Nestor - 0 penalty minutes
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Dustin - 42

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