Saturday, July 26, 2008

Milestones and Awards

Some individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Kyle (101)
- Scored 100 goals as a Rebel - Kyle (103) (He is the first Rebel to achieve this milestone)
- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Kevin (108) and Dean (110)

And the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kyle - 25
- Most Points -> Kyle - 51
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kevin - 2.40
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Kyle - 6
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Kevin - 3
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Kevin - 4
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Chris - 26 games
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Tie between Ryan and Nestor - 0 penalty minutes
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Dustin - 42

Rebels Season Ends

The Rebels not only needed to win this game but they needed to win by a minimum of three goals in order to advance to the Semi finals. By the end of the first half versus Team Chaos we were doing just that. We were up by a score of 5-2 with the help of two goals in a row from Neil. The second half is where we fell apart though, being outscored 5-1 to hand us a 7-6 loss and a premature exit from the playoffs. Overall it was another good run for the Rebels as we kept our tradition of improving every season. We'll come back stronger next summer to make sure we get the championship!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rebels Lose First Playoff Game

The Rebels lost their first game of the quarter final round robin by a narrow margin of 3-2 versus the Bullies. The Rebels were up 2-0 by the halfway point of the 1st and it looked like we had it in the bag but then somehow the tide turned and it became all Bullies as they scored 2 to tie it up. They then scored the go ahead goal with just under 3 minutes remaining in the game. Nestor was pulled in favour of the extra attacker and we scrambled to try and get the tieing goal but it never came. Our season is not done yet though... If Team Chaos beats the Bullies and we beat Team Chaos that will put all three teams with 1 win and 1 loss and the team that will advance will be the one with the best goal differential.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rebels Wipe Out The Plague

The Rebels took an easy win for their last game of the season defeating The Plague by a score of 7-2. John netted a hat trick and added an assist for a 4 point night while Kevin came back into winning form with 5 points and Kyle was close behind with 3. The Rebels end their season in 4th place with a 16-7-1 record for 33 points. This is an improvement from last year where their record was 16-8-0 for 32 points and a 6th place finish.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rebels Lose to Ringers 6-2

The Rebels lost 6-2 to the Ringers. Despite the parade to the penalty box by the opponents we were still unable to capitalize even with two 5 on 3 powerplays. The loss leap frogs the Ringers ahead of the Rebels putting us in 5th place overall. With just one game left in the season the Rebels can still finish anywhere between 3rd and 6th place in the division.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Rebels Beat Les Gros Bec 4-2

The Rebels beat "The Big Kiss" for the second time this season with the final score this time around ending 4-2. Les Gros Bec got on the scoreboard first and the first half ended with them in the lead. 7 seconds into the second half the Rebels finally got on the board with a goal from Kyle. Exactly one minute later the Rebels took the lead off Kyle's second goal of the night. The French team managed to tie it up half way through the second and it stayed that way until five minutes left in the game when Scott tipped the ball past the netminder off a point shot from Curt. Les Gros Bec pressed hard in the last few minutes but Dustin, filling in for Nestor in goal, played well to keep the ball out even during a penalty kill and the opposing goalie out of the net. In the dying seconds of the game Mark fed a hail mary pass to Kyle coming out of the penalty box and he went in alone to score on an empty net to seal the deal and give him his hat trick. We now sit in third place in the division and with two games remaining we could still end up anywhere between 1st and 7th place overall.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Percentages Work Against The Rebels

5 Percent had a short bench to start the game and then went down even more when 3 players got ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct. So this should have been a case of us running them out of steam and then taking the easy win but it turned out the exact opposite. The Rebels just didn't have things going their way at any point of the game. Bad bounces, not capitalizing on a 5 minute powerplay and then a 5 on 3 powerplay etc resulted in a 5-2 loss. Scott and Dean were the only two contributers to the scoreboard and somehow, for the first time this season, Kyle and Kevin did not get any points at all. The loss now moves the Rebels to 4th place in the division.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Rebels Beat Razorbacks in Second Meeting

The Rebels beat the Razorbacks for the second time this year, this time the score ending 4-1. Kyle, Cody and Kevin all had 3 point nights and John added yet another of his shorthanded goals. The Rebels are in a tie for second place overall in the division and just 3 points out of first place. Two other teams are only 1 point behind us though and another one just 2 points behind. With just 4 games remaining the wins become even more crucial as it could be the difference between us finishing the regular season anywhere from first place to as low as seventh place.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rebels Get "Free" Win

The Rebels got a win by default due to the Tin Bashers not having enough players show up to play the game. This "freebie" now puts us in a 3 way tie for second place overall in the division and just one point ahead of two other teams.