Monday, July 30, 2007

Rebels Move On To The Finals!

The Rebels beat out the Whyte Knights 3-2 in game 3 to send them to the finals to play the Winners for the Division 10 championship. The Rebels took a 1-0 lead in the game late in the first half with a goal by Kevin. It wasn't until half way through the second half that the Rebels finally got an insurance goal from Kyle on the powerplay. From then on the Knights were on Kyle with frequent yelling from their bench to " get on number 7". Kyle drew all the attention which allowed Kevin to get his second of the night on the powerplay with 6:29 left in the game. The Kinghts then played with desperation and were able to get on the board with 5:52 remaining. They pulled their goalie with 2 minutes left and were able to get a second to bring them to within 1. The Rebels went into defensive mode to hang on to the win and put them through to the finals. It will be a best of 3 series against the number one team in the division.


Anonymous said...

you didnt add anything about the high kick LOL

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, a comment! Nobody ever comments on here! LOL I don't need to say anything about the high kick 'cause you just did! LOL Do I have to change your name on our stats to "anonymous" now too?