Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rebels Losing Streak Ends With 8-2 Victory Over Peeping Toms

The Rebels ended their slump on Sunday with a decisive 8-2 win over the Peeping Toms. Every line was working like a well oiled machine which in turn resulted in a lot of players finally getting their first points of the season. Once again, Sheldon B. stepped up, this time he made it a hat trick which brings him to 5 goals in 3 games. The division stats are up on the BHE website and Kyle and Barry are actually 4th and 5th in the entire division in points. We're really starting to come together as a team now so let's keep it up, play some smart hockey, and win a ton more games!


Unknown said...

what does "keep it clean!" mean ?

Unknown said...

you mean like www.madthumbs.com ?

Anonymous said...

Yes Matt, madthumbs.com would be a good example of what NOT to post in these comments. Thanks for that!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna ban you!

Unknown said...

for posting a picture of a pumpkin ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, for posting a picture of a pumkin... and obscene pumpkin! LOL
P.S. I wonder if there's a tubgirl pumpkin too?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

K no more! As Strongbad would say... "Deleeted!"

Unknown said...
