Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rebels Get Bit By Piranhas

The Rebels looked to have the game in the bag early on taking a 3-0 lead in the first 15 minutes of the match up. However, the Piranhas were able to answer back with 3 goals in the final 6 minutes to bring the teams to a tie going into the second. The Rebels took the lead 3 more times but each time the Piranhas were able to came right back an tie the game up it wasn't until the the final 4 minutes of the game the the Piranhas were able to get their first lead and managed to hold on to it giving the Rebels a disappointing loss. Mike P. did end the night with a hat trick and an assist for 4 points. Devin and Dustin came out with 3 points each and Cody and Gary contributed 2 points a peice.

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