Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rebels Play Second Overtime in Three Games

The Rebels played their second overtime in the last three games, this time with a better result. The Rebels took the lead early versus the G.D. Bulldogs ending the first half up 3-1 on goals by Kyle, Kevin and Ryan. The Bulldogs battled back though with 2 unanswered goals to tie things up and send the game to overtime. Nothing was settled in the extra frame so the Rebels earned their first point of the season with the tie. The Rebels played more like a team during this match. Kyle lead the team in a meeting and outlined some simple plays that were executed, for the most part, for the entire game. These plays will have to be adhered to for the rest of the season in order to get out of the Div. 8b basement and rise to the top.

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