Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rebels Finally Get a Win

The Rebels got their first win of the season with a 2-1 decision over the Entourage. The Entourage got the lead early in the first half and the Rebels weren't able to answer back until the dying minutes of the game. The Rebels went on a 4 minute powerplay with just under 5 minutes to go and got numerous chances during that time. Kevin was finally able to knock the ball in during a scramble in front of the net to tie the two teams up. Then, on the last rush of the game, Dustin was able to get a pass off to Kevin who snapped a screened shot past the Entourage netminder with just 3.2 seconds remaining to give the Rebels the win. The main reason for the win however was the due to the play of our goaltender. Nestor made highlight reel save after highlight reel save to keep the Rebels in the game.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rebels Play Second Overtime in Three Games

The Rebels played their second overtime in the last three games, this time with a better result. The Rebels took the lead early versus the G.D. Bulldogs ending the first half up 3-1 on goals by Kyle, Kevin and Ryan. The Bulldogs battled back though with 2 unanswered goals to tie things up and send the game to overtime. Nothing was settled in the extra frame so the Rebels earned their first point of the season with the tie. The Rebels played more like a team during this match. Kyle lead the team in a meeting and outlined some simple plays that were executed, for the most part, for the entire game. These plays will have to be adhered to for the rest of the season in order to get out of the Div. 8b basement and rise to the top.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rebels Lose Third Straight Game

The Rebels cam up short once again losing to the Boomsticks by a score of 5-2. The Rebels downfall once again was not playing as a team, not executing simple plays to create offense and allowing too many scoring chances in the defensive zone. A team meeting before next game will address these issues which hopefully will result in the Rebels getting back into their winning form.

Rebels Lose In Overtime

The Rebels lost their second straight game after falling to the Specialist in overtime. Down 3-0 at the half way mark of the first, the Rebels finally got on the board with Kevin getting his first of the season. Kevin then added his second on a great individual effort to bring the Rebels to within 1. Steve scored early in the second to tie things up and it stayed deadlocked sending the game into overtime. With just 4 seconds left in the game the Specialists were able to score on a 3 on 2 to steal the point from the Rebels. The Rebels did have penalty trouble again this game with 24 minutes worth of infractions called. This will need to brought under control ASAP if the Rebels expect to keep their team unity in tact.

Rebels Come Up Short in Summer Opener

The Rebels came up short in the first game of their summer season losing to Team Chaos 4-1. Twenty minutes worth of penalties and 3 power play goals by Chaos led to the Rebels’ downfall. One positive though was Dustin R. scoring with just under 3 minutes remaining in the game to break the shut out. The Rebels will need to adjust to the “summer reffing” and stay out of the penalty box in order to ensure a successful season.

Summer Season Begins

The Summer Season started up before the Winter Playoffs started. Due to this I held off on blogging about the summer until the winter wrapped up.
The 3rd annual Skills Competition took place at the Rebels practice on March 30th which saw Kevin retain his title as the fastest runner. He then made it a clean sweep by taking the king of the shootout as well.

Milestones and Awards

Individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 200 games as a Rebel - Scott (206)

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Dean (107)
- Reached 200 points as a Rebel - Kyle (208)
- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Cody (134) and Dustin (122)

And the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kevin - 20
- Most Points -> Kevin - 34
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kyle – 1.88
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Tie between Cody and Dustin - 2
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Tie between Kevin, Cody and Scott - 1
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Tie between Kevin and Cody - 4
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> No one (But Cody, Dustin, Scott, Paul and Curt all tied with 23 games played out of a possible 24)
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Tie between Paul and Nestor - 0 penalty minutes
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Dustin - 65

- Pointstreak Locker Room Three Stars Point Leaders ->

1st Star - Nestor

2nd Star - Kevin

3rd Star - Kyle

Rebels Winter Season Comes to an End

Write up by Cody:

With their playoff hopes on the line, the Rebels came out with a "must win" attitude, however, the effort and connections just didn't click. Mike POWEERRR! returned to the line up after a lengthy time away and came up with 2 goals in the attempt to keep us in the race, along with a goal from Kyle late in the 2nd half just weren't enough to keep the Woodpeckers from hacking us to pieces in the 6-3 loss. With much frustration throughout the entire bench, the Rebels end their most successful Winter season one series away from their 2nd Championship attempt.

Rebels down 1-0 in series opener.

Write up by Cody:

In the series opener against the WoodPeckers, the Rebels came out on a week rest, and some dull legs, and effort and lost 4-3. The WoodPeckers simply outran and out played the Rebels a majority of the game. However, Kevin opened the scoring early in the first half, and notched a Hat Trick, 2 of those goals in the last minute of the game. With the Rebels going into game 2 down 1 game, they face the pressures of being eliminated.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rebels Sweep Series

Write up by Cody:

In the return of Kyle to the line up, showed how crucial he affects the team when he notched a 3 goal performance, as well as Kevin's memorable 3 on 5 shorthanded goal in the dying minutes of the game. But the real story was the Rebels goaltending, after acquiring Martin Brodeur, he's been keeping the Rebels on top throughout each game, OH WAIT! that was Nestor! Playing absolutely phenomenal and outstanding. After being up 4 - 0 at the halfway mark, the Thunder did anything they could do to stay in the race, but with some amazing goaltending, defence and penalty killing, the Rebels beat down the Thunder 5-4 to move on to the next round.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rebels Take First Game of Playoffs

The Rebels opened the 3 game series versus the Thunder with a 3-1 win. Paul opened the scoring early sneeking one by the Thunder netminder to give the Rebels the lead. The Thunder answered back near the half way mark of the first the to tie things up. Just under 5 minutes later Cody scored his first ever playoff goal as a Rebel to regain the lead for his team. Dean then added a goal for his second point of the night to seal the deal for the Rebels. The Thunder did make every effort to come back though firing shot after shot from the point but Nestor once again came up big to ensure the win.