Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rebels Silence Thunder

The Rebels managed to hold on to their early lead to give them their 4th win of the season. The Rebels came out of the gate hard scoring 5 straight goals against the Thunder in the first 21 minutes of the game. The Thunder did answer back late in the period but it looked as though the game was shaping up to be a blow out. The second half was all Thunder though as the Rebels lost all their energy and offense allowing the Thunder to dominate, scoring another 3 goals and coming to within 1 of tying the game. Nestor played solid though and handled the barrage to help the Rebels hang on for the win. Kyle came out as a last minute replacement to help fill up a short bench and he stepped up scoring a hat trick and adding an assist. Mike had the other 2 goals and posted 3 assists for a 5 point night.

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