Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rebels Win Season Opener Despite Parade to the Penalty Box

The Rebels beat the Razorbacks 5-1 despite being on the penalty kill for more than half the game. The refs were blowing their whistle more times than they were exhaling and it's a wonder how they didn't pass out as a result. We killed off numerous 5 on 4's and a handful of 5 on 3's and the Razorbacks only managed to break Nestor's shut out bid on the power play with just over 3 minutes left in the game. Kyle and Kevin both had two point games and Dustin netted 2 goals and added 1 assist for a 3 point night. Comments will be made to the league about the reffing concern but more than likely it's going to come down to us all having to adjust to the new system.

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