Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rebels Winning Streak Ends

The Rebels suffered their first lost of the season after being defeated by the Blazers 6-4. The game was back and forth with the Rebels playing catch up, answering back after each goal by the Blazers to keep things tied up. It wasn't until the last 5 minutes of the game that the Blazers were able to score two quick goals to take the win. Matt answered the call to have more guys step up by scoring two goals, one of which was a dump in from centre that went over the goalie's head and wound up in the net. Next up is a game against the Monstars which is made up of a lot of players from the Winners from last year.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rebels Win Sixth Straight Game

The Rebels beat out the Pylons by a narrow margin of 2-1 to win their sixth game in a row. Barry scored the winning goal short handed by hustling on the forecheck and stripping the ball from the opposition behind their net then coming out front and squeaking it past the goaltender. The Rebels are now the only team in the division who are still undefeated which puts us in sole position of first place!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rebels Find Cure For The Plague

The Rebels won their fifth game in a row by defeating the Plague 5-2. The first half ended in a 2-2 draw but we opened it up in the second scoring 3 more goals and not allowing any from the opposition. The score sheet was more varied which is a good sign in that others are starting to step up. Both Neil and Paul scored their first goals of the season and Manny tallied his first point getting an assist. As a side note, we now have as many wins as we did during the entire winter season which again goes to show how well we play on the larger surface.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rebels Win Fourth Straight Game

The Rebels are now 4 and 0 after defeating the Ringers 4-3. The first half ended with a 2-2 tie then the Ringers took the lead early in the second half. The Rebels tied it up half way through the second and then got the winning goal shorthanded with just over two minutes remaining. Kyle had a 3 point night which now brings him to a tie for the points race with Kevin, who looks to be slumping a bit lately. Steve's corrective eye surgery has seemed to correct his hockey skills as well; he scored two goals and would have had the hat trick in the dieing seconds had it not been for a post. The real star of this game though was Nestor. He played fantastic coming up with some huge key saves to help us get the win.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rebels Win Big over "The Big Kiss"

The Rebels cruised to an easy win over Les Gros Bec (The Big Kiss) outscoring them 5-1 to bring our record to 3 and 0. Kevin scored twice to bring his point total to 9 in just three games. Kyle had a multiple point night as well to bring his total for the season to 8. Kevin has scored almost half our goals so far, which is great, but is also a reminder that we all need to pick up our games to help out. Once that happens it's a guarantee we will be unstoppable.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Rebels Give More Than 5% To Get Win

The Rebels won their second game in a row downing 5 PerCent by a score of 6-5. We were outplayed in the first half which ended with us down 3-2 but we came back and controlled the second half scoring 4 more goals. 5 Percent tried for the comeback scoring with 1:18 left in the game then pulling their goalie but still came up short. Kevin was a big reason for the win, scoring 4 of our 6 goals and Kyle contributed largely as well with 3 assists.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rebels Win Season Opener Despite Parade to the Penalty Box

The Rebels beat the Razorbacks 5-1 despite being on the penalty kill for more than half the game. The refs were blowing their whistle more times than they were exhaling and it's a wonder how they didn't pass out as a result. We killed off numerous 5 on 4's and a handful of 5 on 3's and the Razorbacks only managed to break Nestor's shut out bid on the power play with just over 3 minutes left in the game. Kyle and Kevin both had two point games and Dustin netted 2 goals and added 1 assist for a 3 point night. Comments will be made to the league about the reffing concern but more than likely it's going to come down to us all having to adjust to the new system.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Rebels Dominate in Exhibition Game

The Rebels lost 6-5 to the White Phantoms in the winter league but rolled to an easy 7-1 upset in this exhibition game which goes to show just how different our team is from the winter to the summer. We were off to a bit of a shaky start which allowed the Phantoms to score first and take their only lead of the game. After about 15 minutes though we smartened up and took control scoring 7 goals in a row. When we have success in our defensive zone (like we did) by not allowing odd man rushes it gives us the confidence to play well offensively and this game was a great example of that.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Summer Season About To Start

The 4th summer season for the Rebels begins on Monday April 7th @ 8:15pm at the East soccer Centre with a game against the Razorbacks. There is a history between the two teams with the Rebels coming out on top with a record of 4-1-1.

We also have an exhibition game vs. the White Phantoms on Thursday April 3rd @ 7:30pm at the West Soccer Centre. There's also a history there in which the two teams are split with two wins each.

The 2nd annual Skills Competition took place at the last practice that saw Kevin hold his title as the fastest runner and Steve was crowned king of the shootout.