Monday, February 25, 2008

Rebels Claw a Win From the Grizzlies

The Rebels playoff hopes are alive with a 9-5 win over the Grizzlies. It wasn't exactly a hard earned win considering the other team did not have a goalie and had to dress a player in borrowed equipment, but it was a win nonetheless. Matt got a hat trick (which is dedicated to Emily, by the way) and Dustin had a 4 point night with 2 goals and 2 assists. The Rebels are now in 11th place but tied in points with the 10th place Mafia and with just 3 games left it's going to come down to the wire. I think us making the playoffs is in the cards though... out stats show Cody has played 21 games, has 21 goals, and 21 assists. That must be some sort of sign no?! Either that or he needs to get to the casino ASAP and play some blackjack!

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