Monday, October 29, 2007

Rebels Lose in OT to Crown Royals

The Rebels lost 7-6 on overtime in a back and forth game. By the end of the first half the Crown Royals were up 3-2. An early goal in the second half put them up by two but then the Rebels came back with three goals in 4 minutes to bring the score to 5-4 in our favour. The Crown Royals then came back with two goals within a 2 minute span to retake the lead. The Rebels then tied it up with 5 minutes remaining and sent the game to overtime. It looked like it would be just a matter of time until we scored based on the amount of chances we had but then with a lucky break out and burst of speed by the Royals they were able to end the game with 2:25 remaining. That now brings the lifetime record between our teams to 3-2 in favour of the Crown Royals. Our next game is versus another long time rival, the Bullies, who we are split 3 and 3 against.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rebels Settle for a Tie in First Regular Season Game.

The Rebels managed to come out with a tie to start off the regular season. Down 2-1 for most of the game, Cory was pulled in the final minute and Mark went out as the extra attacker. With just 14 seconds left Mark's point shot was deflected by Dustin into the net to tie things up. There were a lot of chances back in forth in overtime but the game ended with a draw.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rebels Come From Behind to Win in Overtime

The Rebels overcame a 3-1 deficit to score in overtime giving them their second straight win. We were down 3-1 with 3:45 remaining in the game when Dustin scored making it 3-2. Then with 2 minutes left Dustin scored his second of the game to tie things up and send it to overtime. With just 2 seconds left in OT Dustin scored his third goal giving him a natural hat tick and the team the win in dramatic fashion. The Rebels finished 7th in the re-tiering round but now the standings reset back to zero and the real season begins...