Saturday, August 11, 2007

Team / Individual Records, Milestones, and Awards

The Rebels broke a lot of team records this year...

- Longest Winning Streak - 10 games (previous record - 2 games)
- Most Shut-Outs in a Season - 3 (previous record - 1)
- Most Shut-Outs by a Goalie... Nestor Hycun - 2 (previous record - 1... Cory Gagnon)
- Most Goals in One season... Kyle Wigelsworth- 45 (previous record - 20... Mike Power)
- Most Points in One Season... Kyle Wigelsworth - 80 (previous record - 36... Steve Glubrecht)
- This season was the first time the Rebels ended with a win/loss average above .500
- This season was the first time the Rebels made it past the first round of the playoffs

Some individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Steve (103), Matt( 109), Darren (114), Chris (104), Paul (110)
They join Scott (135) and Brad (117) who reached that mark last season.
- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Kyle (141), Scott (100)
They join Steve (140) who reached that mark last season.

And last but not least, the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kyle - 45
- Most Points -> Kyle - 80
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kyle - 2.58
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Kyle - 9
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Tie between Kyle, Dean, and Steve - 3
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Kyle - 6
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Kyle - 31 games
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Matt - 0 penalty minutes
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Kyle - 36

Rebels Season Ends After Being Defeated By the Winners 9-3

The Division 10 championship went to the Winners after defeating the Rebels 2 games to 0 in the best of 3 finals. We did our best against a far superior team. The Winners were 23-1 in the regular season and did not lose a single game in the playoffs. I must say congrats though to the entire team for a great season. We will build on this season and next year the Championship will be ours!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Rebels Lose Game One of Finals

The Rebels came up short in game 1 of the best of 3 finals with a 7-3 loss against the Winners. The Rebels did get on the board first with goal by Kevin but the Winners were able to get 3 in by the end of the first period. The game was close most if the time with only 2 goals separating the teams but then we seemed to fall apart near the end and the Winners were able to move ahead by 4 goals leaving the game out of reach. We did play a good all around game but the Winners played a better psychological game on us by berating us and putting us down constantly which frustrated most of us and threw us of our game. It's unfortunate to see a team show such little class like that but our game plan needs to be to just ignore that. They often tried to showboat on the floor by trying to make the fancy passes or dekes but we were able to shut them down and put them in their place. If we can go into game 2 with a mindset of playing the game and not letting the Winners get under our skin we'll definitely give them a run for their money and force a 3rd and deciding game.