Friday, June 29, 2007

Rebels Lose to Hi-Tech Titans

The Rebels lost 4-3 versus the Titans. Their one goal was controversial in that the ball was clearly high sticked into the net yet the ref did not call it. We did manage to mount a comeback scoring with 1:16 left in the game and then having numerous chances in the final minute but we were just not able to get that goal to tie it up. We need to start really focusing on our line changes seeing as how we've had three bad line changes in the last three games which have resulted in the other team scoring on us. Two of those goals ended up being game winners so we need to keep this in mind from now on. Next up is the Whyte Knights and with a win over them we will move back up to the top of the pack once again.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rebels Cool The Heat

The Rebels restarted their winning streak defeating The Heat by a score of 8-2. The goals by the Rebels were split between 3 players; Kyle tallied 4 while Cody and Dean each ended up with two. Three of the goals were score shorthanded showing our effectiveness on the PK. The win puts us back into second place overall but tied for points against two other teams, one of those teams being the Hi-Tech Titans whom we play next.
As a side note: We received our answer to the issue we had versus the Panthers. During that game we were told by the refs that if we ended the game with a shut out we would not get credit for all 12 goals we scored when it came to "goals differential" in the standings. Based on their advice we had Dustin step aside and allow the Panthers to score thus breaking his shut out. We have found out now that this is not true. The only rule that comes close to what the refs said was that 7 point spreads are the max allowable per game, meaning that if a team were to win a game by more than 7 goals they would only get credit for those 7. However, this rule only applies to the minors and last I checked we were in the adult league.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rebels Winning Streak Comes to an End With Overtime Loss to Winners

The Rebels 10 game winning streak came to an end with a 7-6 overtime loss vs the Winners. The scoring went back and forth for the whole game with the Winners getting ahead by two with less 10 minutes remaining. After some line shuffling the Rebels came back with two goals in the last 2 in a half minutes to tie the game up and send it to overtime. There is was a goaltenders battle with chances coming from both sides but after a not so great line change by the Rebels the Winners were able to put the game away. Cody and Dustin both played excellent games; Dustin got a hat trick and Cody came away with two goals and two assists. The positive to take away from this game is that we now know we can go toe to toe with the best team in the division and can beat them with enough determination. We look forward to the rematch in the playoffs...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rebels Blow Out Panthers 12-1 For Tenth Straight Win

The Rebels are now in second place in Division 10 and have 10 wins in a row after trouncing the Panthers for the second time this season. Kyle got 4 goals and two assists for 5 points and many other players had a multiple point night... Dean got 6 points, Scott got 5 points, and Barry, Sheldon V., Chris, and Steve all tallied 3 points each. Matt finally got the monkey off his back by scoring his first of the season with just over two minutes left in the game. Dustin played a great game and was well on his way to a shut out but an issue about there possibly being some negative ramifications if we got a shut out arose so he stepped aside and allowed the Panther to score. This is being dealt with through the referee director and more info will come after he responds to our e-mail. The Winners are up next which will be our true test so we need to bring our "A" game!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Rebels Too Hot For Red Heat

The Rebels breezed through the Red Heat 9-1 giving them their 9th win in a row. Both Kyle and Dean got hat tricks and J.F. helped out by getting 4 assists on the night. Nestor played another fine game but was unable to hold the shut out as the Read Heat scored their only goal with just 3:44 left in the game. The Rebels are now 3rd place overall but are actually in a 4 way tie for 2nd place in this very competitive Division. Next up is the Panthers which will be the last game in preparation for the heavily anticipated game against the Winners.