Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rebels Get 8th Straight Win Defeating White Phantoms 5-2

The Rebels are now sitting at 8 wins a row after defeating the White Phantoms, formerly known as the Bears, 5-2. Nestor made a lot of key saves once again to help the team get the win. His overall goals against average is now at 2.73 which is 4th best in our division. We had 2 short handed goals during the game, one by Kyle and one by Steve which was scored during a 5 on 3 penalty kill. Overall, another good game by the Rebels who play the last place Red Heat next.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Winning Ways Continue For Rebels

The Rebels are now at 7 wins in a row after a 5-2 victory over the H.C. Dynamo. The game started out in a crazy way with our goalie, Dustin, showing up just as the ball was about to drop to start the game. He played very well considering the only warm up he had was getting all his equipment on during the drive to the arena. The entire team played well despite being short a pair of defencemen. Kevin filled in brilliantly in place of Barry scoring a hat trick and adding an assist for a 4 point game, which brings him to 7 points in only two games. After being able to pull out a win with all the confusion that happened during the first part of this game it goes to show the the Rebels are force to be reckoned with!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rebels Beat 4th Place Grizzlies in Overtime!

The Rebels are now on a 6 game winning streak with a 4-3 win over the Grizzlies in OT. We managed to kill off a penalty in the last minute of the second half and the first bit of the overtime period. The shots were coming from everywhere but Nestor kept us in it denying chance after chance by the Grizzlies. Then with less than a minute left, the face off to the left of the Grizzlies goaltender, Kyle wins it back to Sheldon V. who takes a shot from the point which then gets deflected by Kevin for the win. All in all, another great game for the Rebels who now move into 5th place overall tied with the Razorbacks and H.C. Dynamo.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rebels Continue Winning Streak Defeating Regulators 1-0

The Rebels recorded their fifth straight win and Nestor got his second shutout of the season on Wednesday when they beat the Regulators 1-0 in a nail biter. Brad scored the only goal of the game at 16:48 of the second half and would prove to be the winner even after killing a 5-3 power play and Nestor getting peppered in the last minute after the Regulators pulled their goalie. All around it was another good performance by the Rebels, who are now in 7th place overall and can move into 6th place with a win over the 4th place Grizzlies this coming Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rebels Record Fourth Straight Win With Victory Over The Razorbacks

The Rebels recorded a new franchise record of 4 wins in a row after defeating the 2nd place Razorbacks 7-1. Once again, the entire team played well with every line contributing goals. We also showed a lot of discipline by keeping the penalties to a minimum while the opposing team had a parade going to the box. Nestor played yet another great game and almost had his second shut out in a row but it was foiled when the Razorbacks scored halfway through the second half. Currently we sit in 7th place with 10 points but the 2nd to 6th place teams are all tied with 14 points so with a little more perseverance we could slide right into 2nd place!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Rebels Blank C.C.C.P 2-0 For Third Straight Win

Nestor recorded his first ever shut-out with the Rebels to help bring their winning streak to 3 games. Without Nestor's strong game - stopping numerous breakaways, 2 on 1's, and 3 on 1's we would not have won this game. Both teams did have their fair share of scoring chances but it wasn't until almost halfway through the second half that a goal was finally scored. Barry scored the goal on a sweet pass across the crease from Kyle. Then about 8 minutes later Kyle put the game away by scoring on the powerplay. Next up is against the 3rd place Razorbacks and with the momentum and confidence we have going an upset looks to be in the works!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Rebels Come From Behind To Beat Dirty Danglers

Well, that headline sounds gross. Anyway... the Rebels were down 3-0 and one point but managed to narrow the lead to 3-1 by the end of the first half. The second half was all Rebels - with a little over 11 minutes remaining we scored 2 goals in 16 seconds to tie the game. Then with a little over 6 minutes in the game we scored two more which came 46 seconds apart from each other (for a total of 4 goals in 6 minutes). One more was added for good measure in the last 10 seconds. The Rebels have been notorious for not playing well in the second half of games so to see us not give up and fight back to win is surely a sign of good things to come.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rebels Losing Streak Ends With 8-2 Victory Over Peeping Toms

The Rebels ended their slump on Sunday with a decisive 8-2 win over the Peeping Toms. Every line was working like a well oiled machine which in turn resulted in a lot of players finally getting their first points of the season. Once again, Sheldon B. stepped up, this time he made it a hat trick which brings him to 5 goals in 3 games. The division stats are up on the BHE website and Kyle and Barry are actually 4th and 5th in the entire division in points. We're really starting to come together as a team now so let's keep it up, play some smart hockey, and win a ton more games!