Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rebels Downed By Whyte Knights 4-2

The Rebels recorded their 4th straight loss of the season after being outscored 4-2 on Thursday. It was a close game and we had a ton of scoring chances but we just didn't get those lucky bounces the way the Knights did. We are playing better as a team and we do have the drive to win so it's just a matter of time until we get out of the slump and start moving our way to the top. When it was mentioned that we needed to have some more contributers in the goal department other than out two main point getters (Kyle and Barry) it seems Sheldon B. was the one to rise to the occasion. He now has two goals in two games. Keep it up Sheldon!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rebels Come Up Short vs. Hi-Tech Titans

The Rebels lost 7-6 to the Titans bringing our losing streak to 3 straight games. We were down 5-0 after the first 11 minutes of play but were able to shorten the gap after scoring 3 goals in two minutes. Something kicked in when we were down and we started playing with some passion out there which almost tied things up in the final few seconds of the game. Now if we can keep this drive going we'll be in much better shape at our next game.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Rebels Too Cold for The Heat

The Rebels are now on a 2 game losing streak after being beaten 4-2 versus The Heat. We did mount a comeback near the end of the game with our two goals coming in the last 3 minutes and 30 seconds but it was too little too late. Had we played the way we did near the end for the entire game I'm sure the outcome would have been completely different. Once again Nestor was solid in net and Kyle added to his point total by scoring his 9th of the season. The team now has a total of 19 goals and of those Barry and Kyle account for almost 75% so we're all going to have start stepping up and helping out in that department in order to get some more wins.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Rebels Lose to Winners 7-2

The exact opposite happened at tonight's game when we were at the bottom end of a high scoring game. For some reason we just couldn't get our positional game going and it cost us. It could have been even worse had Nestor not come through with a very solid game in net. Kyle was the only one to score for the team, he netted two tonight to bring his point total to 9 in two games. One weird thing that has come up, and I don't know if a group of people got together to try and start a fashion trend, but in the last two games we have seen players wearing their jock shorts and nothing else as their bottoms. What's up with that??? Anyway, next game is against The Heat, a team comprised of mostly firefighters that we have played quite a few times in the past and have always been close and respectable games.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rebels Trounce Panthers 14-2

All I can say about tonight's game is... Wow! We played a great game. Kyle got 6 goals, Barry got 9 points and a lot of other guys ended up with multiple points. We were very disciplined when it came to taking time to set up and make the right plays and our face off tactic worked very well. It was good to see it being used and being used by the book. The only negative thing to say about the game is we took a lot of penalties - 27 minutes worth. We need to try and be a little more disciplined when it comes to that. It's a lot better to just walk away, let the other team take the penalty and have a powerplay then to get a bit of revenge and end up in the box along with the guy from the other team. Anyway, let's take this momentum and carry it through the rest of the season and we'll end up being tops in our division!