Monday, December 19, 2011

Milestones and Awards

Individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Alex (115)

And the awards for this season...

- PointStreak 3 Star Award Winner -> Martin - 166 pts
- Most Goals -> Ali - 11
- Most Assists -> Jimmy - 13
- Most Points -> Jimmy - 17
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Jimmy – 1.06
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Alex - 3
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Nik / Scott - 24
- Most Sportsmanlike (least penalty minutes in most games played) -> Doven - 0 in 23 games
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Matt B. - 26

Playoff Run Comes to an End For Rebels

Write Up by Alex:

The Rebels faced elimination for the first time in the playoffs as they played game 2 of the semi finals. Red had a shakey start in the first half not being able to capitalize on a 5 on 3 powerplay for 1:43 and ended up down by a score of 2-0. The Rebels finally showed some signs of life as Alex scored on the powerplay to bring the Rebels within 1. Jimmy had the helper. But that's as close as it got as the Coolies scored 2 more and ran away with the win 4-1 and swept the series 2-0.

Rebels Lose in Game 1 of Semi Finals

Write Up by Alex:

The Rebels came into the semi finals after sweeping the Hellions in 2 games. Their next test was the number 1 Coolies. The Rebels came out really strong scoring the first goal under 5 minutes into the game. It stayed that was until the 16 minute mark where the Coolies tied it up and went into the second half tied at 1. In the second, the Rebels got themselves into some penalty trouble and had 2 unanswered goals against them. Rebels lost this one 3-1 and are now down 1-0 in the series. James had the only goal and Chris K and Josh added the helpers.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Rebels Stick a Pitchfork in Hellions

The Rebels edged out the Hellions by a score of 1-0 to sweep the best of three quarter final series. Jimmy got the lone goal off a rebound from a wrap around attempt by Alex. The Hellions played desperation hockey and did have their fair share of quality scoring chances but Nik stood on his head to earn the well deserved shut out which was his first in a Rebels jersey. The Rebels now move on the play the Coolies in the best of 3 semi final.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Rebels Serve Up Hellions in a Handbasket

The Rebels took on the Hellions in the first game of the best of 3 quarter final series. Things didn't look good for Red after the Hellions took a 1-0 lead in the first minute of the game. The Rebels rallied back though scoring scoring 4 unanswered goals from Neal, Ali, James and Darko to take a 4-1 lead going into the second half. Once again, the Hellions scored in the first minute of the second frame and the pressure now went to the Rebels to see if they could hold on or give up the lead as they have been known to do in the past. The next shift did turn out to be the turning point but it was in the Rebels favour this time as 2 more goals went in, one from Jimmy (his first of the season) and Ali, with his second of the game. The Hellions tried to make a game of it by finding the back of the net once more but the Rebels onslaught continued as Neal added his second of the night and Jimmy added 2 more of his own for a hat trick giving his team a decisive 9-3 victory. Jimmy ended the night with 5 points while Ali came away with 4. Neal, James and Scott all got 3 points a piece while Paul and Alex tallied 2 each. Warren also added an assist for his first point of the season. The Rebels now have the chance to sweep the Hellions and move to the semi finals with a win on Monday.

Rebels Score a Win For Last Game of the Regular Season

The Rebels finally got a win against the Phat Bastards after losing both previous match ups. Ali, James, Martin and Neal all scored to give Red a 4-3 victory in their last game of the regular season. The Rebels secured 6th place overall which will result in a quarter final match up in the playoffs versus the Hellions.