Monday, August 08, 2011

Milestone and Awards

Individual milestones achieved this season...

- Reached 100 penalty minutes as a Rebel - Alex (110)
- Reached 100 points as a Rebels - Darren (103)
- Played 200 games as a Rebel - Curt (206)

And the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Steve - 7
- Most Assists -> Alex - 15
- Most Points -> Steve - 19
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Mike – 1.50
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Doug - 2
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Scott - 2
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Alex - 26
- Most Sportsmanlike (least penalty minutes) -> Chris K. - 0
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Alex - 48

Rebels Summer Season Ends

The Rebels showed up to play their first elimination game but unfortunately the same could not be said for the second as they were downed by the 3rd place Coolies by a score of 7-1 which resulted in an early exit from the playoffs. Mike Power was the lone goal scorer for the team.
The Rebels did have a pretty successful season considering the fact that they seemed to be in a "rebuild" phase. There were 9 new faces on the team this season and all have been welcome editions to the roster. The team will now build on their successes and work to improve going into the winter season.

Rebels Eliminate Wolves

The Rebels ended the regular season in 8th place which lined them up against the 5th place Wolves for the first elimination game of the playoffs. The Rebels showed up ready to play and their perseverance paid off in the form of a 3-2 win and a trip to the second round. Mike Power came in to help the team out and did so be providing the winning goal, something he tends to do regularly in the playoffs. Darko, Steve and James helped in the cause as well, coming away with 2 points a piece.