Friday, May 27, 2011

Rebels Blank HC 71

The Rebels played arguably their best game of the season beating HC 71 by a score of 3-0. Alex, Steve and Matt W. all had two points a piece and Darko added the empty netter when HC 71 pulled their goalie. Nestor came up with more than a few key saves to earn his first shut out of the season.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rebels Unable to Rise Up to Limp Sticks

The Rebels played another grinder game and had a fair amount of chances to find the back of the net but still came up short losing to the Limp Sticks by a score of 3-1. James was the lone goal scorer for the team.
The re-tiering has been completed and as a result the Rebels will find themselves moving down to division 12. They were in 12th place in Division 11 but will move up to 6th in Division 12 so it seems they will fit in better competition wise for the rest of the season.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rebels Fall To Rabid Mongooses in Overtime

The Rebels played a gritty, hard fought game and as a result were able to get on the scoreboard more this game than in the past. They still came up short though losing to the Mongooses on OT by a score of 4-3. Doug and Steve both tallied a goal and an assist for 2 points a piece while Scott rounded out the scoring.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rebels Lose To Wolfpack

In the Winter Season that just finished the Rebels finished the regular season in 6th place overall while the Wolfpack finished in 2nd. We managed to sweep them in the finals though to win the Div. 10 championship. This Summer Season we picked up 11 new players so we thought it would be best to move down to Div. 11 so that we could still remain competitive. The Wolfpack only picked up 3 new players and for some reason thought it would be beneficial to move down to Div. 11 as well. The benefit for them is that they are 6 and 0 on the season so far. They'll obviously be moving up to where they belong when the re-tiering happens. Regardless of the revamped roster though, the Rebels played a tight game but did come up short losing to the Wolfpack by a score of 3-1. Josh was the lone goal scorer.
So far this season, out of 16 teams, the Rebels are ranked 5th in goals against allowing only 15 goals but are ranked 15th in goals for with only 8. The Rebels will need to find a way to generate more offense in order to be successful. It's still early in the season though and the team is still trying to come together to work as a unit so the potential certainly exists.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Rebels Get Blanked By Blue Devils

Another tight game for the Rebels and another game where they come up just short, this time losing to the Blue Devils 1-0. Nestor played outstanding to keep the Rebels in the game but the offense wasn't able to find the back of the net on the other end which resulted in the loss.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Autobots Roll Out on Rebels

The Rebels came out flat against the Autobots and as a result lost 5-1. Curt was the lone scorer for the Rebels with Alex adding the assist.