Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rebels Come Up Short Against Crushers

The Rebels lost their hustle and sense of urgency that they had last game and as a result, lost to the Crushers by a score of 4-3. Mike and Matt came away with a goal and an assist each while Gary ended with two assists. Shane rounded out the scoring for the Rebels with Chris L. and Gino adding the helpers.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rebels Not Nice to Naughty Babay

Naughty Babay scored just over a minute into the game then added another one just two minutes later and it seemed like they were going to dominate the rest of the game. The Rebels didn't roll over and give up though, they turned the table and scored 6 unanswered goals to give them a decisive 6-2 victory. Mike scored a natural hat trick while Darcy, Dave and Chris L. all had two point nights.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Rebels Blanked By Usual Suspects

The Rebels had their fair share of shots against the Usual Suspects but failed to find the back of the net once during the game. The Suspects only managed one goal mid way through the second half but it was enough to give them the 1-0 victory. With only 4 goals against so far this season the Rebels have shown that they play well defensively, they just now need to start showing up on the scoreboard more often to ensure more wins.