Monday, November 30, 2009

Rebels Run Around Pylons

The Rebels didn't exactly have an easy time playing the last place Pylons but did manage to come out on top winning by a score of 4-1. Mike F, Scott C, Matt W and Mike P all found the back of the net for the Rebels. Scott C, Alex and Chris ended the night with two points a piece. Scott H played solid in net once again, bringing his goals against average to a very impressive 2.20 over 5 games.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blitz No Match For Rebels

The Rebels completely overpowered the Blitz winning the game in a 10-2 blow out. The line of Cody, Mike F. and Dustin dominated the match, racking up a total of 17 points between them. Cody netted 4 goals and added 2 assists for a 6 point night. Mike F. scored a hat trick and 1 assist for 4 points and Dustin added a goal and 6 assists for a total of 7 points. Mike P. added two goals of his own to round out the scoring for the Rebels. Gary and Steve both had a great games as well coming away with 3 and 2 points respectively.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Super Troopers Handcuff Rebels

After easily winning their first two games of the season, the Rebels seemed to meet their match against the Super Troopers. The Rebels played catch up the entire game and came up on the bottom end of a 6-3 score. Dustin, Matt G. and Mike P. were the goal scorers for the Rebels and Mike P. also added an assist to tally a 2 point night.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rebels Blank Jackalopes

In just his second game as a Rebel, Scott H. earned his first shut-out giving his team their second win in a row with a 4-0 victory over the Jackalopes. Cody, Jason, Matt G. and Mike F. all found the back of the net for the Rebels and Dustin R. and Cody both took away 2 points each on the night. The win puts the Rebels in a 3 way tie for first place in Div. 10.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Rebels Win in Winter Season Opener

The Rebels took a 5-1 lead in the first half and kept strong in the second to earn a 6-3 win over the White Phantoms. The new additions to the team were the stars of the night coming away with 5 out of the 6 goals. Mike F and Gary each scored twice while Matt W and Matt G rounded out the scoring. Matt G ended with 3 points while Gary, Mike F, Curt and Mike P all ended up with 2 a piece. Scott H played solid in net in his debut as a Rebel.