Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Milestones and Awards

Individual milestones achieved this season...

- Played 100 games as a Rebel - Cody (126), Curt (126), Dustin R. (125), Devin (112), Nestor (110) and Mark (108)

- Reached 100 points as a Rebel - Matt W. (101)

- Reached 100 assists as a Rebel - Kyle (117)

- Reached 200 penalty minutes as a Rebel - Cody (240)

And the awards for this season...

- Most Goals -> Kevin - 27
- Most Points -> Kevin - 50
- Best Points Per Game Average -> Kyle – 2.30
- Most Powerplay Goals -> Kevin - 5
- Most Shorthanded Goals -> Kyle - 2
- Most Game Winning Goals -> Kyle - 3
- Ironman (played every game this season) -> Cody, Scott, Curt and Dustin R.
- Most Sportsmanlike -> Tie between Ryan, Matt, Nestor and Neil
- Not Most Sportsmanlike (most penalty minutes) -> Cody - 62

Season Ends For Rebels After Loss to Mooseknuckles.

The Rebels lost 5-0 against the Mooseknuckles. The Rebels played the best they could against the far superior 'knuckles, a team that could easily have had success playing 2 or 3 divisions higher. The Rebels have nothing to be ashamed of though... the beginning of the season was shaky with the team posting a 3-7-2 record but they turned things completely around in the second half of the season going 6-5-1. The Rebels then posted 2 wins a 1 loss in the post season.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rebels Squeek by Team Chaos

The Rebels edged out Team Chaos by a score of 2-1 to start the round robin semi final. Kyle and Steve both scored in the first half giving the Rebels a 2 goal advantage heading into the second. Team Chaos scored near the halfway point to bring them to within 1 but Nestor closed the door after that turning away everything that was thrown at him.