Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rebels Come From Behind To Take The Win

The Rebels scored two late goals to give them the win over the Crimson Ghosts by a score of 5-4. The first half ended with each team at one goal a piece but during the second things broke wide open. The Crimson Ghosts took the early lead but the Rebels came back with two goals to give them the lead. The Ghosts then came up with two unanswered goals of their own to retake the lead. The Rebels managed to tie thing up with just over a a minute and a half remaining. They kept the pressure on and were able to get the winner with just thirty seconds left in the game. Cody and Mike both tallied 2 goals each along with one assist each for 3 points and Kevin came in with the winning goal and also added an assist for a two point night (morning).

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rebels Get Cut Down By Lumber Jacks

The Rebels played a strong game but still came up short losing to the Lumber Jacks 5-4. The Rebels led going into the half way mark of the second half but the Lumber Jacks managed to add another two goals just four minutes apart to take the lead and despite the Rebels coming back hard they still managed to hang on for the win. Cody had yet another strong game tallying 2 more goals to bring his point total to 8 in three games. Mike found his groove and helped out with a goal and an assist for a 2 point night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rebels Come Alive Against Zombies

The Rebels managed to stay out of the penalty box for the entire game which helped them cruise to an easy 7-2 victory over the Zombies. Cody got the hat trick an added an assist which puts him at top of the entire division with 6 points total. Ryan and Dustin tallied two points each and Mark played very solid between the pipes.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rebels Come Up Short In Season Opener

The winter season FINALLY got underway on Sunday in the newly renovated Castledowns arena. The Rebels came up short though in a penalty and fight ridden game losing to the Mafia 3-2. Cody scored both goals for the team and Ryan played a solid game as the last minute goalie addition.