Friday, June 27, 2008

Rebels Win Against Second Place Bullies

In a complete turnaround from last game the Rebels won this game 6-1. It seems the Bullies had the same frustrations we did during the previous game; things just weren't clicking. Everything was clicking for the Rebels though and it resulted in us being up 6-0 and included 2 short handed goals. It wasn't until the 5 minute mark of the final frame that the Bullies were finally able to sneak one past Nestor, who played a fantastic game. John had a 3 point night including a huge individual effort to get a short handed goal. All goals were scored by different players and it's good to see that more of the team is contributing to take the weight of Kyle and Kevin.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rebels Lose to 1st Place Warriors

The Rebels were downed 5-1 by the first place Ultimate Warriors. We had our fair share of chances but just weren't able to translate that onto the scoreboard. It was one of those odd games where things just didn't go our way. Kyle scored the lone goal to break the shut out with assists from Kevin and Neil. The loss now leaves the all time record between our two teams at 2-6-0. Next up is another pivotal game against the second place Bullies.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rebels Bust Out The Goals

The Rebels beat out the Goalbusters 10-4 in a mainly one sided affair. Nestor did face a ton of shots but stood his ground to allow our offense to shine and dominate the game. Kevin had a hat trick and 4 assists for a 7 point night and Kyle had a hat trick as well and added 2 assists for a 5 point night. Steve and Neil also faired well tallying 3 points each. In the past two games Kyle and Kevin have combined for an astonishing 25 points showing just how deadly they are when playing together. Our next two games are against the first and second place teams so it leaves us very confident knowing that we have these two players contributing so much to the team.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rebels Double Up Titans

After not playing together for the last 8 games Kyle and Kevin were reunited on the first line and showed what a force they were by getting 13 points between the two of them in an 8-4 win versus the Hi-Tech Titans. Kyle came back from missing 3 games in a big way scoring just 21 seconds into the game then scoring two more to give him the natural hat trick. He added 3 assists for a 6 point night while Kevin ended with a hat trick as well and 4 assists for a 7 point total. Cody added the other two goals for the Rebels. The all time record between these two teams now sits at 2-2-1.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Rebels Get "Assassinated"

The Rebels lost 6-4 to the S.S. Assassins. The Rebels did not hold the lead once this game and every time we would start to mount a comeback the Assassins would answer with a goal of their own to shut us back down. With the loss the Rebels now move into 5th place, 5 points back of the 1st ranked Ultimate Warriors. We're more than half way through the season now and the division is tighter than any other one we have played in before with just 9 points separating 1st place from 13th place.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Rebels Win Battle for Fourth Place

The Rebels and Entourage went into their game both tied with 17 points and the Rebels came out with the two point win. The game kicked off with an awkward start as Nestor let in a very uncharacteristically shaky goal off a dump in from centre. Not to be discouraged though, he bounced back to play yet another solid game allowing our team to score the next 5 goals in a row. Entourage was able to add one more to their tally with a penalty shot in the dying minutes but it was too little too late. Neil had a great game with 4 points on the night and Dustin and Kevin weren't far behind with 3 points each.

Rebels Can't Calm the Chaos

It was a close game right up until the end, yet even with some of the heroic efforts by Dustin who played net in place Nestor, the Rebels came up short in a 5-3 loss to Team Chaos. The Rebels scoring came from all over the roster with Wade and Mark each picking up a goal and an assist. The Rebel scoring was rounded out by Kevin, who's quick shot from the slot brought the Rebels to within one with plenty of time on the clock. Team Chaos' final goal came off a lucky break moments after a game-saving stop off of Matt right in front of the Chaos net. The loss brings the Rebels into a three-way tie for fourth place in the division.