Thursday, May 22, 2008

No Overtime This Time As Rebels Win Second Straight Game

The Rebels won their second game in a row by beating out the Penetrators 5-3. The line of Kyle, Dean, and Cody contributed all the points this game... Kyle had a hat trick and two assists, Dean had two goals, and Cody helped out with two assists. The Penetrators had a lot of offense but Nestor was on his game stopping most of the never ending shots that came his way. The win now places us in 3rd place overall but in a 3 way tie for first place with the Ultimate Warriors and Team Chaos. Our next game will be a very important one as we play Team Chaos and a win will help us secure that first spot in Division 9.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rebels Play Third Straight Overtime

The Rebels played in their third straight overtime with this one having better results than the previous two. The Rebels were down, and what seemed to be out, but rallied scoring 3 goals in 2 minutes and 5 seconds to get the win. Barry scored with 1:36 remaining in the game then just 44 seconds later scored again to tie the game up and send things to overtime. 29 seconds into OT the Rebels sealed the deal with John scoring from the slot.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Rebels Play Second Straight Overtime Game

The Rebels went into OT for the second time in two games but had a better outcome this time around managing a tie versus The Awesomes. The Rebels took the lead 4-3 with just over 2 minutes remaining in the game but The Awesomes managed to score on the powerplay with just 13 seconds left to force overtime. Nothing was decided in the extra frame giving both teams a point in the standings. We were averaging 20 penalty minutes per game but only had 6 minutes this game so this is a marked improvement from the first quarter of the season.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Rebels Lose In Overtime

The Rebels lost 3-2 to the Monstars in OT bringing our season record to 6 and 2. It was another close game with the score tied at 2 at the end of the first half and no scoring by either team in the second. The Rebels ran into penalty trouble most of the game but were able to kill them off to keep the game close. That could only go on for so long though and the Monstars were finally able to score on the powerplay which, unfortunately, was in overtime.