Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rebels Avoid Assassination Attempt

It looked like it was going to be "another one of those games" after seeing only 8 players show up to the game versus 15 players for the S.S. Assassins. The Rebels played hard though and came out on top after the first half with the score being 3-2. The Assassins then tied things up just 6 seconds into the second half but the Rebels answered back with Cody getting his 3rd and 4th goals of the night to give a two goal lead. The Assassins brought it to within 1 half way through the second but Dustin sealed the deal getting a breakaway goal with just over 8 minutes left. In the dying minutes the Rebels went on the penalty kill and the Assassins pulled their goalie but were still unable to get anything past Cory and our defense. The things that really helped win the game, besides Cody getting 4 goals, was our defensive game. Very few shots got through to the net because we were getting our sticks in the shooting lane and causing a lot of deflections and Cory was allowing very few rebounds when the shots did get through.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rebels Run Out of Gas Against Diesel

The Rebels lost to Diesel 10-1. With a bench about half the size of Diesel, the Rebels were pretty much dead tired by the end of the fist half but ended the period only down 4-1. The second half was all Diesel as they ran circles around us scoring another 6 goals. The loss now puts in in last place in our division but still only 2 points out of a playoff spot.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Rebels Get Punished

The Rebels have lost in both their meetings with the Punishers this time by a margin of 7-2. We did play a good game considering we had only 9 players compared to 14 on the other team. Mark played very well in goal (despite his pads being on backwards) and Devin is beginning to stand out in his new role playing forward with 4 points in 3 games.

In other news... The All Star Game is coming up on Jan. 20th and the Rebels have selected Cody to represent the team. Good luck Cody and have fun!

In other, other news... Ball Hockey Edmonton has sent out the team packages and I will be receiving them soon so it's time to start thinking about the summer season. Hopefully we'll have the entire old crew back (along with a few new faces) to make another run at the championship!