Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rebels Come Up Big to Get First Win of the Season

The Rebels got their first win of the season with a decisive 11-1 victory over the Beer Hunters. Cody, Dustin, and Mike all played an excellent game with each of them scoring hat tricks. At the end of the game Cody and Dustin had accumulated 6 points each while Mike was close behind with 5. We definitely played much better as a team and that has now given us the confidence we needed to keep the ball rolling and put up a lot more wins in the standings through the season.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rebels Suffer Second Straight Loss

With Scott not being at this game, Darren has done the this write up...

The Rebels were very short on the bench against a team with three full lines that managed to get lucky with a couple of quick goals. This helped them gain the early momentum in a game that went from bad to painful as the Punishers beat the Rebels 11-2. Even though the game was out of reach Matt and Cody put the Rebels on the score sheet with a couple of hard earned goals.

As a couple of our guys put it, we'll leave it as a pre-season lesson. But our next game will be a different story.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Rebels Start Winter Season With A Loss

The Rebels were downed 3-1 buy the Hellions in our first game of the season. We didn't play a bad game, but we didn't play a great one either. No one on the team really found their groove which lead to shaky plays both in the offensive and defensive zones. Cory played a solid game in net but we just weren't able to get anything on the other end although we did have a fair amount of chances. Matt was completely robbed when he took a one timer that came through the crease but Dustin was able to break the shut out with just 6 seconds left in the game. We did play better as a team in the last half of the game so that should be a good indication that we'll be back on track by our next game.